Part 92: 11/17/09 - 12/01/09: Lyapunov Exponent

Kyoto starts mostly the same, and there's not too many major divergences, really.

Although, Ryoji is looking a big different from what I remember. I think he's done something different with his hair; it looks nice!

More importantly is that Rio's joined these idiots down on the first floor.

On the second and third floors there's some added "intineraries" that... are just save points. Kyoto isn't really long enough to warrant it, but I appreciate the sentiment. It's useful for more than just Dumb Minigames even.

Yuko doesn't have much interesting to say, even though its technically new. That she acknowledged the Inaba trip is a nice bonus, though. Makes it feel more relevant than it really was.

Notably, we can go into the boys' rooms on the second floor here. We'll head into the Wisteria Room (all the rooms are named after plants, you see), which is where Makoto was before...

And there's a couple of unexpected guests in there, to say the least.

I straight up missed these guys before, and I can't imagine that this version has their dialogue be really all that different.

So, even though Hidetoshi just said his name outright, Keisuke is only referred to here as a "Kind-Looking Student" huh. That's purely because we don't have a link with him, yes.

Hidetoshi acting unusually kind and generous there. I'd like to think thats our doing, but that only goes so far.

Not much new on the 3rd floor, for better or worse. We'll just head to our room and end the day.

Anime cutscenes are too much to handle, so it just skips right to the photos this time. That's fine, I guess, since they're just still images and all.
Skipping Artemisia, since that scene is the same as before.

Yuko has an... alternative new justification for why she's not wearing a yukata.

Y'know, I thought "yukata" was a mass noun, but upon checking, nope I was wrong. It CAN be both singular and plural, but also "yukatas" is valid. Neat.

Not the most subtle, or elegant, of deflections but I guess if it works then there's nothing to worry about.

That's all there is today, of course, so we'll skip to the last day of Kyoto now.

Since we have Ryoji at rank 4, he interrupts us after the photos bit at the start.

> ...It seems that just as Ryoji mentions this, there are suddenly couples everywhere you look.

> Ryoji gazes intently at you...

> Ryoji seems to be muttering this to himself...
> You can sense that Ryoji thinks dearly of you...

Despite being a prompt in an S.Link scene, this is really Ryoji inviting you to his next event. As I'm sure you've surmised, we'll want to accept this. We COULD be a dick and say no, but as you'd no doubt expect at this point that just instantly ends the link. Thanks, Ryoji!

> You and Ryoji browsed the souvenir shops before going back to the inn...

Before we finish with Kyoto forever, there's just a few short bits left to finish up with.

I get the feeling there's something here that I'm missing because that went on for a while. I dunno.

Good to see folks dunking on Kenji in-universe as well every now and then.
...So, the hot springs. We're not covering it in detail because who cares.

Since we're on the other side of the, uh, event this time we get a bunch of dialogue prompts that determines whether or not we can catch the guys.

Some of them are not immediately obvious, mind. This one's probably the vaguest, since "monkey" and "ghost" both just end the scene basically. Shame too, because "ghost" is a good joke answer that I'd take otherwise!

The rest are pretty simple, so we'll just skip to catching these guys so they can get nebulously executed...

But the thing about this is that when we're back in the dorm, we can get a couple clues as to what exactly "execution" involved.

It's perhaps a little TOO spelled out for my liking, though. I did like the nonspecific vagueness of it before.

But since it's now VERY clear that Mitsuru used Artemisia, it kinda accidentally creates an issue with regards to Ryoji. Oops!

So, we'll just skip ahead to the Sunday we're gonna spend with Ryoji.

> Ryoji is wearing a thin ring on his finger...

> Ryoji laughs peacefully...

> Ryoji smiles happily...
> You feel like your relationship with Ryoji has gotten a little closer...

> Ryoji seems to be muttering to himself...
> He seems distressed by this...
> You spent time quietly talking with him...

Brief interlude while we demolish Chidori in all of like 3 moves...

Mostly because it takes something that was somewhat implied before, with Hermes' evolution...

...And makes it very explicit. It makes sense, given that he just spontaneously picks up Spring of Life which was Medea's unique skill and all. The color-scheme matches as well, for good measure. There's certainly some small hints that this was the case, but Portable spells it out immediately.

And then noooooooothing happens until we get the career experience thing. It gives Kotone an Academics boost if you really need it, which is different and arguably gives it a reason to exist.

Ryoji opts to intervene when we're on our way home afterwards, just to give us a real scene.

Huh, that's a weird alteration. Not sure it was even necessary for this event to work. After all, Junpei not turning up like before makes just as much sense.

> Ryoji looks down sadly...

Ryoji, the sentiment is nice and all but you've known the guy for... 18 days. Not even been 3 weeks yet!

> You can sense Ryoji's deep concern for Junpei...
> You feel that you've come to understand Ryoji a little better now.

> You spent time with Ryoji, but little was said...
Now that Ryoji has reminded us that people die when they are killed, we'll just skip ahead a few more days...

To Sunday, and our final thing for the month. Naturally, we'll be spending it with Ryoji one more time...

> Is Ryoji confessing his love for you...?
> You feel that you need to respond carefully to this...

Like, sorry, Ryoji but you're kind of a boring milquetoast guy it turns out! A different take on your general archetype, but it's still not... good.

> Ryoji laughs happily.
> You sense that you have a bond with Ryoji...

> You spent some time with Ryoji, then returned to the dorm before the two of you were caught up there...

...Okay, fine, before we finish, there's one last scene we'll do. It's immediate on the 1st of December, so we can squeeze it in here as well.

For the final time, we'll accept this offer (that we instigated for... the second time, total) and spend the day with him.

> Ryoji gazes off into the distance.

> Ryoji looks down sadly...

> Ryoji's lips are trembling...

> Ryoji seems to be in turmoil.
> You sense Ryoji's serious feelings...

> Afterwards, you headed back to the dorm.